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Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress Fuel Break 2023

What is it? How will it work? What should you do and when?
The window of opportunity to protect your community is now!

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This community and wildfire safety improvement is free of charge to all landowners within the project boundary. An OTFSC Project Manager or Contractor will meet with you to discuss your individual concerns; please contact us for a phoneconsultation or on-site appointment.

Description of the Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress Fuel Break:

• In September of 2022, Oak to Timberline received approval for a grant of up to $860,250 from CalFire to create a 45 square mile shaded fuel break, known as the Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress Fuel Break (PMIE). The project directly ties into two shaded fuel breaks now in progress and will create roadside fuel breaks to improve ingress/egress. The fuel breaks will diminish the intensity and slow the spread of a wildfire’s progress and reduce the risk of human-caused roadside ignition of wildfires. The project Influence Zone covers about 45 square miles. The project has roughly 1,000 residents and 600 habitable and community structures. The project will run from September 2022 through March of 2026.

• The PMIE Fuel Break will run for 30 feet along either side of the road (see attached map).

• A shaded fuel break is exactly that: shaded. Removed brush is generally chipped or masticated into the soil to speed decay into mulch, which improves soil, water retention, and general forest health, and trees are left to provide shade.

• Oak to Timberline will contract with Licensed Timber Operators (LTO) to perform the work. On private lands, they will be prepared to thin and remove, masticate, or chip brush; fell small trees, and limb up larger trees to prevent fuel spread into the canopy. On Federal Land, hand crews with chainsaws will thin brush, remove small trees, and pile debris for later burning.

• OTFSC will also contract with a Registered Forest Professional (RPF) who will complete an environmental study to meet the mandated California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements.

• Landowners are now individually giving their consent to making this project a reality. As work begins, your questions and concerns are vital to the success of the project.

Oak to Timberline’s commitment to landowners and our service area:

Oak to Timberline wants to cooperate with landowners in a spirit of mutual respect. The PMIE Fuel Break will be most effective if as many landowners as possible participate. Therefore, OTFSC wants to work with you to achieve the following goals:

• create a zone along the road where wildfire’s advance is slowed

• remove brush and dead trees so that homes and properties, and the neighborhood as a whole, are safer

• clear alongside roads so emergency vehicles can get in and out, and evacuations can proceed smoothly

How work on the PMIE Fuel Break will proceed:

Fill out the Landowner agreement form online We cannot work where we do not have permission. If you have any questions, please call at (559) 731-1802

• In order to begin work on Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress grant, we need to receive the Land Owner Agreement ASAP. The quickest way to get it to us is online. Please respond within 7 days.

• Although the goal is to create a 30-foot wide roadside fuel break, OTFSC will work with landowners individually, especially when the work is near homes and buildings.

• If you wish, you may hire our contractor to work outside of the 200 ft. wide path while his equipment is nearby.

• OTFSC's contractor cannot cut trees into firewood size, but logs can be left and bucked into 8’ lengths.

• OTFSC contractors cannot work around power lines.

Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress (PMIE) Fuel Break, 2023 Landowner Agreement Forms

For more information on the scope of the fuel break programs, please download and review these PDF files.

Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress (PMIE) Fuel Break Land Owner Agreement Map

Pinehurst/Miramonte Ingress/Egress (PMIE) Fuel Break Land Owner Agreement Description of Project



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PO Box 762, Yokuts Valley, CA 93675

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The Pinehurst Community Fuel Break, the Brookside Fuel Break, and the Miramonte Fuel Break are part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities. 


© 2022 by Oak to Timberline Fire Safe Council

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